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MHA successfully awarded place on second NHS SBS Framework
MHA Architects have successfully been awarded a place on the new NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) Construction Consultancy Services Framework, which is expected to save the public sector in the region of £16 million over the next four years.
Enabling organisations in both the NHS and wider public sector to access services such as architecture, quantity surveying and civil engineering, the Framework is fully compliant with UK and EU procurement legislation and provides a route for public sector purchasing teams to access a comprehensive range of construction consultancy services.
The new Framework replaces the current Agreement that has been in place since 2014 and has saved the public sector in excess of £12 million, thanks to typical savings of between 10-15% compared with buying direct.
Last year, more than 300 organisations purchased construction consultancy services via the NHS SBS framework, with almost two-thirds (66%) being non-NHS organisations.
Designed to provide the flexibility that public sector procurement managers need, the Framework allows organisations to award contracts directly or hold a Mini Competition.
The Framework also provides a range of pricing options and discount structures, plus the option for volume spend rebates.
Phil Davies, NHS SBS Acting Procurement Director, said:
"The Construction Consultancy Services Framework enables clients from the NHS and other public sector organisations, such as the emergency services, universities, housing associations and local authorities, to commission construction consultancy services in a simple, streamlined and cost-effective manner.
"The major benefit of our Framework is the breadth and depth of suppliers we work with, including many smaller suppliers that public organisations may otherwise struggle to identify. The new Framework builds on this strength with many additional suppliers added in response to demand in key areas.
"The result is a robust Framework that meets the needs of all kinds of public sector bodies, saving them time and effort, delivering excellent results and - crucially - generating considerable cost-savings for the public purse."
The Construction Consultancy Services Framework is part of a complete Estates and Facilities portfolio provided by NHS SBS to the public sector. The other contract Frameworks that are immediately available in this area are Hard Facilities Management, Modular Buildings and Soft Facilities Management.
For further information on how to access this or any other Framework Agreement, please contact the NHS SBS contract enquiries team at or 0161 212 3940.