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Wigan Council secures planning
MHA Architects are delighted that planning permission has been granted on Logwood Place, Newtown for Wigan Council. Designed by MHA Architects, the scheme provides 74 apartments for affordable rent, comprising 67 one-bedroom apartments and 5 two-bedroom apartments, all for general needs, plus 2 one-bedroom apartments designed to be fully wheelchair accessible.
The scheme involves demolition of the existing life-expired council flats to facilitate the development.
Councillor Susan Gambles, cabinet portfolio holder for housing and welfare, said:
“The apartments as they were did not reflect our ambitions for our council homes. We are working to deliver high quality, sustainable, affordable, accessible and adaptable homes in our borough.
By talking to residents of Logwood Place we have been able to improve our plans, and I am really pleased that they have given our proposals their wholehearted support.”
Council funding for the development was supplemented by grant funding from Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA).
Director, Paul Chadwick said, “We are delighted to be involved in such a fantastic scheme. This development will totally transform this area of Wigan and provide much-needed quality homes for its residents. Thank you to our clients , Wigan Council, who have worked so hard alongside us to get planning over the line and we look forward to seeing this start on site in the coming months.”