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Double Award Winning Scheme

MHA scooped not one, but two Awards at the recent Inside Housing Development National Awards. Our scheme at Whitebeam Close won Best Healthy Homes Development (Rural/Suburban) and Eldervale Extra Care won Best Supported Housing Development (Rural/Suburban). 

This is the culmination of a long term regeneration project of 100% affordable homes for rent to meet the needs of elderly, disabled and vulnerable residents with an identified need for accessible homes. The 69 high quality homes includes a block of 51 ExtraCare apartments, 17 one and two bedroom general needs bungalows and one specialist bariatric bungalow.

Throughout the project MHA worked closely with the contractor, Caddick and Wigan Council and local stakeholders to successfully deliver a development which is contributing to the wellbeing of its residents and where those residents and the wider community are thriving. The ExtraCare scheme creates a community hub, with a variety of events and activities, offering informal support and reducing isolation and bringing people together within the community. The development has exceeded Wigan Council’s expectations and illustrates how the principles of healthy homes have been applied to an estate regeneration project creating a mixed community and improving the quality and diversity of homes in a local area.

David Wood, Associate Director and MHA’s project lead for the scheme said, "this is a fantastic result for everyone involved in the scheme.  There have been challenges along the way but the whole team has worked collaboratively to address these, delivering a high quality development for the community.”  Wigan Council commented that the scheme has exceeded their expectations and illustrates how ExtraCare housing and accessible general needs homes can be incorporated into estate regeneration projects to improve the quality and diversity of homes in a local area.

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Written By David Wood